From lullabies to workshops - it all starts with an idea
“These are our modern day Songs of Innocence and Experience. William Blake would be proud.”
- The Huffington Post
“In short, there is no more critical investment for a community’s future than ensuring the well-being of mothers and their young children.”
Dr. Dennie Wolf Brown
“After the [recording] session, 9-year old Mariah Serrano told her mother that Wednesday had been 'the best day ever.' Composing lyrics from the thoughts of children brings a sense of immediacy to the music.”
New York Times
5 Cities, 5 Schools, 5 Songs, 120 Kids, 1 Album. A collection of songs written and recorded by The Great Unknown and America SCORES students from DC, Cleveland, Milwaukee, NYC and Boston as part of the ASCAP Songwriter Residency @ America SCORES.
This playlist is a group of songs co-written with parents of young autistic children in London or awaiting diagnosis. I co-created this program with Live Music Now and made it the basis of my Creative Health MASc dissertation. The songs are a beautiful reminder of how much we all have to offer and gain from sharing our stories in song. This program is also a testament to participatory songwriting’s ability to offer captivating, innovative, and accessible activities with a wide range of benefits for the entire family.

What’s it like to tell your story through song, and can collaborative songwriting bring wellbeing benefits for people going through the toughest of times? Over six months, we explored that question in collaboration with staff and parents of long-stay patients in Evelina London Children’s Hospital. The songs that were co-created are witness to the resilience, strength, love and hope that are stitched into the experience of spending months or more with a baby or child in hospital.
Lead Artist on the pilot, songwriter Todd Henkin, worked collaboratively with parents to hear their stories – bedside on wards, beside incubators, in hospital corridors and family rooms. As they opened up, he identified themes and refrains that became verses and choruses. These experiences are often hidden from the outside world, familiar only within the hospital walls, where the sound of footsteps down the corridor has a significant resonance (is it a doctor bringing news?) and the air is thick with the beeping of hospital machines. Often a simple prompt like, “tell me about your experience of parenthood”, would elicit remarkable stories with themes of travel, family and faith, and powerful metaphors that spark empathy and insight. Before they knew it, participants were creating lyrics, and after 2 or 3 one-hour sessions, a brand-new song was born.
Dahlia and Zacarie wrote this song during their son’s year-long stay in Evelina. It celebrates their resilience and support of each other – one day at a time.
Leonie wrote this song (and sang lead vocal) while spending time on the Neonatal Unit and it reflects her lifelong relationship with music, and its power to heal.
“I couldn’t be happier to be doing this beautiful work right now; capturing not only a difficult time, but a time when families everywhere are using their most powerful tools of love and resilience and creativity to make a lasting priceless gift which their family can revisit forever.”
— Todd Henkin