The Lullaby Project


Over the past four years, I’ve collaborated with mothers, fathers, and grandparents to co-create original songs for their loved ones as part of Carnegie Hall’s Lullaby Project and innovated in London with new iterations of the project to fit new contexts. Diving deeper into understanding the impacts of my work, I also completed a MASc in Creative Health at UCL in London.

Raising a family is complex and beautiful, and it is not always celebrated work. These amazing songs have become a way for families to celebrate, explore their stories, share them with other supportive families, and create a toolset to use more creativity and music in their homes. Continuing the work of participatory songwriting with hospital staff for well-being and parents in London’s Evelina Children’s Hospital has been an eye-opening experience, pointing to the increased need for creativity in the face of stress, burnout, and emergency. This work has paired me in projects with Live Music Now (Tones of Home) and Breathe Arts Health and Research (Guy’s, St. Thomas, Evelina) as I continue these collaborations across London and the UK.


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